Robert Crimo – Another Mass Murder and Questions to Ask

Published by Wendy Hoke on

Another mass shooting at a July 4th parade. A troubled young man. But, this time a dad is actually in the picture. Robert Crimo appears to be not “dad deprived.”

As usual, the liberal media and politicians are screaming about gun control and gun confiscation. Rather than get into a 2nd amendment debate, I want to propose looking at this problem from a different angle.

Here is a list of questions that I believe we must ask about every mass shooter in America. I will use the pronoun “he/him/his.” Too bad if you don’t like that.

Was he diagnosed with learning disabilities? If yes, was it covered as “learning disorder not otherwise specified?”

Did his school pressure his parents into an IEP? What did that IEP cover?

Was he primarily pulled out for special ed services?

Did his parents hire a special education advocate?

How long was he on an IEP? Through high school?

Was he bullied in school?

Did he take drugs like Ritalin to address learning disabilities?

What disciplinary actions were taken against him in school and for what? If yes, was a manifestation hearing conducted?

If yes, what actual evidence exists of his bad behavior (no hearsay). Were there direct witnesses who would stand up under cross examination?

If he was on an IEP, were his parents proactively involved? Or did they simply accept the school’s recommendations?

Was he exposed to domestic violence – physical or verbal?

Tomorrow I will explain my questions. I pulled my own son out of public schools due to abuse in the special education system. It nearly destroyed his self esteem. So, now I home school him, and he is much happier. I will get much more specific about abuse that my son suffered at the hands of his Resource Specialist, a couple of gen ed teachers, and a principal who was being forced out.

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